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All Things Bright and Beautiful Homepage

All Things Bright and Beautiful illustrates and sells original cards, postcards, stickers, notebooks and other stationery products. We are based in Hong Kong.

All Things Bright and Beautiful is a stationery and lifestyle design brand founded in 2011 by Joanne and Ah Li in Hong Kong.
We are inspired by God’s creations and hope our creations inspire you too.


笑口常開 :吃蝦的蛇祝你笑哈哈、笑口常開
大吉大利 :吃桔的長脷蛇祝你大吉大利

Always happy and laughing
Good luck and fortune

Today I caught a moment in time

Life can pass us by in the blink of an eye...

時光總在轉眼之間就從我們身邊溜走……不要忘記去捕捉那些珍貴、稍縱即逝的片刻 -就是這些時刻讓我們在地球上短暫的人生變得美麗而神奇


Let’s not forget to catch all those precious, fleeting moments that make our short time on earth so beautiful



A dark cloud appeared over the little girl’s head, and it just wouldn’t go way. She tried stuffing it in a closet, stomping on it, and scaring it away, but nothing worked.

She decided to take it into the forest…