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Prestel, Munich, GermanyText and illustrations by Joanne LiuMax is going to the museum today. There is much more to see at the museum than just sculptures and paintings. Art is all around us, you just have to discover it. Sometimes the best kind of …

Prestel, Munich, Germany
Text and illustrations by Joanne Liu

Max is going to the museum today. There is much more to see at the museum than just sculptures and paintings. Art is all around us, you just have to discover it. Sometimes the best kind of art is the kind you make yourself.

BOLOGNARAGAZZI AWARD on Art - Architecture & Design 2018



What the Jury said

A child enters a museum, curious, attentive, taking in everything around him: visitors, their appearance, the art collection, spaces, and people who work there. Looking at the artworks, he makes a game of linking what’s in the room to what he sees outside, mingling art and life. Highly expressive in its deliberate simplicity, this wordless book is strikingly eloquent in its choice of subject matter.

Bologna Children's Book Fair

Joanne Liu

For the 56th Illustrators Exhibition 3,873 participants from all over the world (92 countries and regions represented) sent their works.

In addition to the 318 finalist illustrators, the international jury chose 78 sets of illustrations by as many artists from 29 countries and territories of the world.

Bologna Children's Book Fair

A total of 4,374 illustrators applied for the 2025 Illustrators Exhibition, submitting 21,870 artworks from 89 countries and regions worldwide.

After gathering to select the 324 finalist entries, the international jury chose 76 sets of illustrations, representing 77 authors from 29 countries and regions around the world.