Our exhibitions allow you to walk into another world. We hope that our art makes you happy.
Here are a few of the exhibitions we’ve held.
Open MUJI — 時間的旅人展覽
我們不一定遊走在城市和城市之間、由一個國家飛去另一個國家、或者由一個星球前往另一個星球…… 但我們都遊走在日子和日子之間、一年又一年、從那一刻到這一刻……
We might not travel from city to city, country to country, or planet to planet... But we all travel from day to day, year to year, and from moment to moment...
We are all travellers - travelling through the passage of time.
The theme of this exhibition is "Time Traveller". Life is like a journey, full of different experiences, and we learn and grow from each experience. The drawings remind us to stay hopeful and positive despite the changing scenery, and to always look for beauty along the way.
2024《我的憂傷應該放哪裏?》原畫展 + 《我的下雨天》畫展
雖然都是下雨天,兩本書卻有著完全不一樣的感覺和訊息,一個帶來釋放、一個帶來一場冒險⋯⋯ 等待大家來發掘!展覽場地雖然只是一個小小的空間,但希望大家放慢腳步,來看畫、看字、看看自己的心⋯⋯
Joanne and Ah Li’s new books both depict rain on their covers, but the two books carry very different feelings and messages. One is about emotional release, the other about adventure. Come find out for yourselves! The exhibition space is small, but you’re welcome to come read, take a look at our drawings and rest for a while…
The exhibition included 16 original drawings from Where Should I put my Sorrows, as well as 10 prints from My Rainy Day. We also had stamps, a lion backdrop, Chinese New Year products and toy figures.
Night at the Museum《夜遊美術館》
KC100藝術空間舉辦的特別展覽 《夜遊美術館》,讓您一同探索充滿童心與藝術的世界。此展覽展出來自香港的梁慧欣(Chivas Leung)和廖倍恩(Joanne Liu)的作品。 Chivas本年度在博洛尼亞兒童書展上獲得了COMICS - YOUNG ADULT 2023的特別提名獎,她的作品《Night Night》以其迷人的插畫和引人入勝的故事蒐集了讀者的贊賞。而Joanne則於2018年憑作品《我的美術館》獲得博洛尼亞兒童書展的BOLOGNARAGAZZI AWARD(藝術、建築和設計),透過無文字圖書帶讀者暢遊美術館。
“Night at the Museum”, featuring the esteemed Bologna Children’s Book Fair. In its 60th edition, this renowned event celebrates the creativity and Imagination found within the pages of children’s books. We are delighted to present a unique collaboration between two talented artists from Hong Kong, Chivas Leung and Joanne Liu, who have been recognized for their exceptional contributions to the field.
2023 給喜愛香港的人
In the city, we are more similar than you think. We’re a whole lot of people, sharing a tiny space we all call home. And though we may not know each other well, our lives are intertwined and tightly knit.
“A city is beautiful because of its people”
Through this exhibition, we hope that you’ll start noticing all the ordinary, but beautiful things in the city.
2022 We’re All Going To Die One Day Exhibition
展出16張 We’re all going to die one day 和 The story goes on 原畫、12張印畫、原稿,還有印仔、大恐龍和與無用生活合作製作的限定杯碟!
“Mementi mori” is latin for “remember that you have to die”.
The thought of death is not meant to scare us, but to help us learn how to live. When we realise how fragile and short life is, we learn to get our priorities straight, to be fully alive, and to be thankful for all the people we meet and experiences we have.
We exhibited original drawings and drafts from We’re all going to die one day & The story goes on, drafts, as well as stamps, prints, big dinosaurs and limited-edition cup sets with useless studio!
2020 How To Survive A Disaster Exhibition
Real life disasters aren’t like the ones in movies. They don’t end in two hours. Often, real life disasters are long and torturous. So, how do we get through them?
We exhibited original drawings and drafts from How to Survive a Disaster, Our City, Emma’s Thankful Heart and our traveler collections. We shared our thoughts and stories behind the drawings. We also made a giant tree for people to take photos and sit under. We had 4 custom stamps made. We wanted it to be an encouraging exhibition despite all the 2020 disasters.
2016 Eslite Masking Tape Exhibition 誠品紙膠帶博覽會
We were one of the 8 brands (and the only local brand) showcasing their brand concept houses at Cityplaza. We displayed our masking tapes and products inside the house, and covered the walls with postcards.
2015 Curious Traveller Exhibition 給好奇的旅人展覽
We exhibited the original drawings, sketches and final print outs of our Curious Traveller collection.
2013 Find a Rainbow Exhibition 尋找彩虹展覽
The idea for our exhibition was for the audience to walk into a storybook. We came up with a story about a boy called Tim who lives in a colorless world of gray. He embarks on an adventure to find colors. He travels through a field of story-telling mushrooms, Mini Land, and a forest of talking animals. After a storm, he finally finds a giant rainbow and brings some color back home.
展覽的概念是讓人可以走進故事書裡。我們創作了一個關於小男孩尋找彩虹的故事。愛畫畫的小男孩 住在只有灰色的世界,隨著音樂的引導,他踏上冒險之旅。參加者可跟著小男孩穿過灰白的世界到訪會說故事的菇菇草原,吃神奇豆長大後看小小土地,和動物一起開派對。在暴風雨後,小男孩終於發現 了一道巨大的彩虹,最後成功將色彩帶回家。