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Our story


Our story

We are Ah Li and Joanne from Hong Kong and we started All Things Bright and Beautiful in 2011. We mainly illustrate cards and postcards, as well as other stationery products. Along the way we have also held art exhibitions and workshops.

我們是來自香港的阿莉和Joanne,於2011年開始 All Things Bright and Beautiful 這個品牌。主要是畫卡片、明信片和其他文具產品, 還會不定期舉辦展覽和工作坊。


Our vision

God's creations are amazing and beautiful, and this is what inspires us to create. In turn we hope that our creations will inspire the people around us - through wonder, joy and new perspectives.

神的創造、大自然的美麗總是令人驚歎,而且成了我們創作的 靈感。希望我們的作品也能帶給人驚喜、快樂和新的視野,可 以啟發和激勵我們身邊的人。


Our concept

All Things Bright and Beautiful is the name of a very old hymn. The chorus goes like this:

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

We believe that the world is an amazing place, full of bright and beautiful things. Sometimes we just need to make an effort to look around and discover the beauty around us.

All Things Bright And Beautiful是一首古老的詩歌。


我們相信,這個世界是一個奇妙的地方,充滿了光明和美好的東西。有時候我們需要努力去看, 會發現我們身邊的美。

our style: funny, tells a story, insightful, positive, encouraging, warm, happy, we like animals, childlike, colorful,whimsical


Why do we like to draw animals?


Joanne: Animals are all so crazy and creative. Hooves, paws, beaks, wings, horns, tails, spots, and stripes… All these elements come together and make up platypuses, ostriches, llamas and flying squirrels! Animals never cease to amaze me.

阿莉:我喜歡給動物不同的個性! 兇猛的鱷魚可以畫成笨拙 和害羞。獅子可以熱情好動, 同時是厲害的蛋糕師,而小象則是最溫柔的朋友!

Ah Li: I love giving animals different personalities! My favorite crocodile is klutzy and sweet. My lion is quick on his feet but also great at baking cakes. And the big blue elephant is my best buddy!