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Chinese 101 Print 中文101印畫

Art Prints

Chinese 101 Print 中文101印畫

P-chi101-A4 all-WEB.jpg
P-chi104-A4 hard-WEB.jpg
2018-05-24 15.28.08.jpg
P-chi101-A4 all-WEB.jpg
P-chi104-A4 hard-WEB.jpg
2018-05-24 15.28.08.jpg

Chinese 101 Print 中文101印畫

from HK$100.00

Custom prints brighten any room and make perfect gifts for friends and family, or even yourself! 

This print is great for anyone learning Chinese or anyone who loves the Chinese language.

A4 print
option 1 - all 48 hearts (Chi 101 to 104)
option 2 - 24 hearts - easy (Chi 101 and 102)
option 3 - 24 hearts - hard (Chi 103 and 104)
-textured 250g paper
-ships in a flat box

A3 print
-Includes 48 hearts from Chi 101 to 104
-textured 250g paper
-ships in a flat box

A2 print
Includes 48 hearts from Chi 101 to 104
-170g smooth poster paper
-rolled and shipped in a mailing tube/box

Prints will be shipped in around 1 week after payment
Frame not included.


A4 print可選擇:
選擇 1 - 48個心 (中文101-104)
選擇 2 - 24個心 - 初階 (中文101-102)
選擇 3 - 24個心 - 進階 (中文103-104)
- 250g 畫紙
- 會用紙盒寄出
- $ 100

A3 print
- 包含中文101-104 的48個心
- 250g 畫紙
- 會用紙盒寄出
- $ 250

A2 print
- 包含中文101-104 的48個心
- 170g 滑面海報紙
- 會用郵用卷筒寄出
- $ 380


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