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Future Print  未來‬印畫

Art Prints

Future Print 未來‬印畫


Future Print 未來‬印畫

Sale Price:HK$100.00 Original Price:HK$150.00

Prints brighten any room and make perfect gifts for friends and family, or even yourself!


Text : I can’t see beyond the horizon, but I know who holds the future


Back when Squid Game came out on Netflix, my friend said she wouldn’t watch it because it was too scary. I watched it all because it was so good. To me, it’s all made up. Nothing like real life, which is actually scary.

Real life is: a pandemic, lockdowns, wars, torture, unfair trial, genocide… Because the world is so crazy, I have to believe in a higher power, and that there will be an ultimate fair judgment, even if not right now, on this earth.

當 Squid Game 在 Netflix 上播出時,我的朋友說她不會看,因為它太嚇人了。但我覺得它太好看了,幾天內就把全套劇集看完了。對我來說,劇集都是編造的,現實生活才是真正的可怕。


Art Print info
Paper:250gsm textured paper
Size:A4, A3
Width of white border:2.5 cm
Back : Blank
Frame not included
Packaging and shipping:
- Prints will be packaged in a plastic bag
- They will be shipped in a flat box, around 1 week after payment

紙:250g 畫紙  
尺寸:A4 、A3(白色邊框的寬度 2.5 cm)

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