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Light Print  光明印畫

Art Prints

Light Print 光明印畫


Light Print 光明印畫

Sale Price:HK$100.00 Original Price:HK$150.00

Prints brighten any room and make perfect gifts for friends and family, or even yourself!


Text : I still believe… something wonderful will happen!


A few years ago, I drew a picture called "Always believe something wonderful will happen". I was depressed back then, and felt as if nothing good would happen in the future. I drew that picture to encourage myself.

A year later, something even more serious happened and my heart was heavy. Looking back now, I am grateful that an angel came into my home. It was a bittersweet period of time.

I still don't know what will happen tomorrow. I can’t be sure of much, but I still have to believe that something wonderful will happen.

幾年前,我畫了一張 「Always believe something wonderful will happen」的畫,當年心情很低落,好像感到將來也不會有好事發生,所以畫了一幅那樣的畫,來鼓勵自己。之後那一年發生了更沈重的事,那個時候個心好像被壓住了,很重。現在回看,很感恩的是,有一位小天使來了我的家,是很苦但又很甜的一段時光。不知道明天會如何,可以掌握的不多,但依然要相信,會有美好的事情發生。

Art Print info
Paper:250gsm textured paper
Size:A4, A3
Width of white border:2.5 cm
Back : Blank
Frame not included
Packaging and shipping:
- Prints will be packaged in a plastic bag
- They will be shipped in a flat box, around 1 week after payment

紙:250g 畫紙  
尺寸:A4 、A3(白色邊框的寬度 2.5 cm)

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