Life can pass us by in the blink of an eye...
So let’s not forget to catch all those precious, fleeting moments that make our short time on earth so beautiful
Moments Postcard Set 1 時刻明信片系列1
Moments Postcard Set 1 時刻明信片系列1
Life can pass us by in the blink of an eye...
So let’s not forget to catch all those precious, fleeting moments that make our short time on earth so beautiful
不要忘記去捕捉那些珍貴、稍縱即逝的片刻 -
Includes 6 postcards:
- Smile Postcard 微笑明信片
- Swing Postcard 孩子的魔法明信片
- Frog Postcard 青蛙明信片
- Diamonds Postcard 鑽石明信片
- Sun and moon Postcard 太陽和月亮明信片
- The darkest night Postcard 黑夜明信片
Postcard info
Size : 14.3 x 9.7 cm
Paper : Heavy weight (250gsm) textured paper
Back: Blank
尺寸:9.7 cm X 14.3 cm
紙:250g 水彩畫紙
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