All Things Bright And Beautiful — Our City

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Our City


Our City

This calendar is dedicated to all the beautiful people of Hong Kong.

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Sometimes in the city, we’re more similar than you think!


As they wait for the bus, an old man in a wheelchair meets a little girl, still in her ballet outfit. She tries to raise her leg to the same height as his, holding her arms in the fifth position. Not to be outdone, he mirrors her pose and gives her a big smile. Strangers smile as they walk by this unlikely pair. A beautiful city is one that welcomes all kinds of people, no matter how different they may seem.

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Look behind you, we all got your back!


The old lady’s plastic bag broke, and her oranges rolled out onto the busy street. She turned around, and saw a bunch of kids, running this way and that, picking up her oranges. They hand her the oranges, wave good bye, and head to school before she could say a word. She really liked living in this city!

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You are not alone


After a morning of work, the truck driver went to get lunch by himself. He got back to find words scribbled in the dirt on his truck. He smiled to himself. He still had a bunch of heavy boxes to move, but he felt surprisingly light on his feet. He was not alone.

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When the world turns upside down, know that we’re in this together


Suddenly, the sky turned dark and rain poured down. The kids pedalled quickly. Their bikes swerved and they fell, hitting the ground hard. As they lay sprawled out on the ground, they caught sight of each other - a crying, wet, bloody mess. It made them laugh because they were BOTH a mess. They were both in it together.

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Our city is most beautiful when we help each other out


The kids’ basketball was caught in a tree! They asked a street sweeper for help. He jumped up effortlessly, hit the ball, and it bounced back onto the court. Meanwhile the kids picked up the soda cans and water bottles lying around, and dunked them into the trash! At that moment it didn’t really matter who they were… together they were a team.

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The most beautiful moments are the ones we experience together


After school, two kids blew bubbles into the pink sky. Eventually, the bubbles floated higher and further away, so that more and more people saw the bubbles. Everyone looked up at the sky at the same time. Pretty soon, the bubbles popped, but this short moment stayed in everyone’s minds for a long time.


Always look for HOPE even if it’s hard to find


It’s easy to get lost in the city. Real life is hard, but don’t forget your hopes and dreams. In the city, there’s always someone who’s holding onto hope, just like you.


Bring joy to others and joy will come back to you


Sometimes, I’ll smile at the baby sitting across from me, or say hi to a kid in the elevator. They’ll look back at me - sometimes skeptical, sometimes curious, or smile shyly back. And that is enough to make me smile again.


A smile brings sunshine to a rainy day


A tiny hello may be a big encouragement. And a simple smile may bring a bit of sweetness to a bitter heart.


Thank you for your random act of kindness


There are mean people in the world… but also kind people! They give without asking for anything in return. They help without you ever knowing. I am deeply grateful for them and hope to be like them.


Our lives are connected & intertwined in so many ways


Sometimes I’ll hear the noise from someone hammering upstairs, or someone playing the piano, someone watching TV. In the evening I’ll smell someone’s dinner. Is that garlic fried vegetables? Or ribs? We’re a whole lot of people, sharing a tiny space we all call home. And though we may have not even met, our lives are intertwined and tightly knit.


Stop for a moment and take in the beauty of our city


In the city, we’re always running around, hurrying from place to place. Sometimes we just need to stop and clear our minds. Then we’ll start noticing the little things - that one tree, a leaf, or a warm ray of sunlight - moments of beauty within the hustle and bustle of the city.




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