How to survive a disaster
Real life disasters aren’t like the ones in movies. They don’t end in two hours. Often, real life disasters are long and torturous.
So, how do we get through them?
The road ahead is long and difficult.
Read often, poop regularly and take care of yourself each day
Since last year’s protests, I’ve always been waiting for a dramatic, happy ending, where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. But in reality, the road ahead is still long and difficult.
It’s hard to plan ahead when things change all the time, but what we can do is take care of ourselves every day. Stay healthy, read often, learn as much as you can about the world, and poop daily.
The kid gives the unicorn a thumbs up for his rainbow poop. Then together, they continue on their journey.
Sometimes we need a bit of humour to stay afloat
If you want to survive a disaster, you can’t be positive and optimistic all the time. Sometimes reality is too cruel and optimism will only bring more disappointment. When that happens, the only thing we can do is to make fun of ourselves! In times of disaster we are forced to be creative, humorous, and silly! Humour may not cure the common cold (or covid19), but it can keep us afloat.
Hong Kong has been through a lot. But out of the disaster has come humour in the form of comics, videos, performance art, graffiti, books, music and more!
In the darkest times, don’t be afraid to share what you have. Though it may be little, it will shine through the darkness…
寫一張明信片,簽一個聯署,send 一個whatsapp, 送一個口罩,都是一點點的光。我喜歡畫畫,就可以畫畫。希望它們也成為一點點的光。
When the world seems dark, I often feel helpless. There’s not much to do.
But this year I learned that, even if what you have to share is tiny, share it anyway!
Write a postcard, sign a petition. Send a WhatsApp. Give away a face mask. It might be a tiny act, but it’s a flicker of light in the darkness. I can’t do much, but I can draw! And I hope my drawings will shine through the darkness.
Grow a strong heart that doesn’t rot from hate, but leaves room for God’s wrath
We’ve never drawn “bad guys” much in our illustrations. But there’s been a lot of unjust things going on in our city, and now we need to learn how to deal with injustice and revenge.
In this picture, there’s an evil snake but the boy still tries his best to grow a strong tree. One day, lightning strikes the tree. The branch breaks and is able to stab and kill the snake.
I’m also trying to grow a strong heart and trying to make sure it doesn’t rot from hate. I’m learning to discern right from wrong and to do the right thing. What I can’t control… Well, then I’ll just have to leave room for God’s wrath.
看更多:羅馬書 12:14-21
Read more: Romans 12:14-21
Don’t envy the wicked who prosper, but be kind to those who have none
It’s easy to be envious of the wicked who are rich. The world is so unfair!
But sometimes I think, it’s because the world is so unfair, that we need to help those in need. It’s a privilege to be able to give.
And it’s fun to think that the wicked might be envious of us helping each other out!
看更多:詩篇 37:7
Read more: Psalms 37:7
信心是在我們看不清的時候,依然捉緊我們的盼望。 在最嚴酷的冬天裡抱著信心!
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we can’t see. Have faith during the harshest winters!
The boy and the bear are painting a tulip, even though they are in the middle of a giant snowstorm and they can’t see anything but snow. But they don’t have to see an actual tulip before they can paint one, because they can see a tulip in their minds, sprouting from the ground when spring comes.
Faith is the same. Even though we can’t see spring right now, we believe it will come. And we need hold onto faith so that we can get though the winter!
Read more: Hebrews 11
Even when I’m at a loss for words, I know you are listening
Sometimes there are things I can’t put into words. They are things I can kind of feel, and kind of can’t… They are heart aches that accumulate inside of me. I can’t describe them, and I can’t exactly grasp those fleeting thoughts. I try to say something, but words come out jumbled.
Before I open my mouth, this tree already understands and is here to listen. I stand quietly under the tree and tears fall down drop by drop. Slowly, my heart awakens.
This is my prayer.
Sing an old song into the darkest night, and may those listening be comforted
When I drew this picture, a movie I watched earlier came to mind. The movie was set during world war 2. One night, a group of people got drunk, and to survive, they pretended to be part of a book club. Surprisingly, reading books together got them through those hard times.
When normal activities are restricted, and there is a shortage of food and supplies, people still pursue goodness. How do people support each other when disaster is here to stay? It might be by listening to a familiar song - one that can only be sung quietly at night. May all those listening be comforted.
Keep calm and cover yourself with lots of blankets
Sometimes I suddenly feel worried, like something horrible is going to happen! When this happens, you can try turning on the air conditioning, and then crawling under lots of blankets!
Apart from feeling the warmth and weight of the blankets, they also hold you like a cocoon, calming your heart.
When there’s a storm outside, I like to remember when I was a kid, surrounded by stuffed animals and blankets. A gentle voice would say to me: good night, sleep tight, and sweet dreams...
Plant something and watch it grow every day
In the midst of a confusing, unreasonable and crazy world, I like to watch a plant grow slowly. Witnessing the power of nature is comforting. It reminds me that there’s some sort of power I can’t explain - something unimaginable that happens daily.
The most beautiful thing in this world is not anything man made, but, nature. Every tree is unique - maybe ordinary, but still amazing.
Sometimes living in the concrete jungle for too long takes away your imagination. Let’s try something simple... Quietly watch a small plant grow. Maybe we’ll discover something new!
Protect those smaller than you and know that you are protected by something bigger than yourself
Sometimes forgetting yourself is a good thing. During a disaster, when we focus on protecting others - we often forget our own fears. We forget that we’re small and helpless and that we don’t know what to do. At that moment, something else becomes more important. When we care about the world around us, our hearts grow bigger. I believe that our heavenly father protects us as well. Even if we don’t see Him, He’s there.
煮一些簡單、溫暖和美味的食物…… 更重要的是,分享它!
Cook something simple, warm and deliciousAnd more importantly, SHARE it!
Warm food is magical. It brings us back to our childhood. It gives us energy and warmth. The best kind of food isn’t expensive. Instead it’s made from simple everyday ingredients. Add a bit of patience and seasoning, and you have a delicious meal.
One of the most important elements of food, is sharing it with others. Anything shared with people you like tastes a lot better! During difficult times, try cooking something simple! May it bring strength to the people around you.
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