Stinky Pinky
Stinky Pinky got her name from her job as a painter of buildings. Because she paints every day, the smell of paint stuck to her, and so did the name. She is new to the group of friends, but feels immediately comfortable around them. She feels they will accept her for who she is, stink or no stink. With them around she just does what she does best - paint.
臭小妹是一個畫家,專門在高樓大廈的外牆 畫畫。日子久了,油漆的臭味成了小妹的氣味,所以別人都叫她臭小妹。雖然她是朋友堆之中的新成員,但她感覺很舒服,因為她覺得無論她臭不臭,朋友們都一樣接受她、歡迎她。在他們身旁,她只需要專心做自己喜歡的東西-畫畫。
“Where’s Rabbit?”
“Where’s Rabbit?” is a question Rabbit’s friends ask so often that it has become his name. Wherever he is, Where’s Rabbit is probably up to something - maybe chugging another cup of coffee while building a boat that runs on bananas. He hates small talk and sentimentality. He will often test his inventions on his ever-so-patient friends. What he lacks in social graces though, he makes up in severe loyalty.
「兔子在哪裡?」是兔子的朋友經常問的問題。他們問得多了,慢慢地「哪裡兔子」成為了他的名字。其實不問也知道兔子一定在研究一些新的東西-可能他正在一邊喝咖啡,一邊研究一條由香蕉香味發動的香蕉船。他最討厭聊天和感性的東西。他經常把朋友當成白老鼠, 雖然他不懂社交禮儀,但他有強烈的正義感。
Pizza Bear
Pizza Bear loves pizza, apparently. (Pizza is a food AND a plate!) His love of hypothetical questions are often annoying but sometimes amusing. (Would you rather be a horse with a horn or a unicorn without one?) He has almost no sense of direction but his short, wandering feet and small, wondering mind often lead him to unexpected places.
比薩熊當然最愛比薩!(比薩既是食物,也是碟子!)他的假設性問題往往令人不耐煩,但有時候也蠻有趣的。 (你寧願自己是一隻有角的馬,還是一隻沒有角的獨角獸?)他幾乎沒有方向感,但他短小的腿和好奇的頭腦經常會把他帶到出乎意料的地方。
Baby Crocodile
Baby Crocodile is the “baby” of the group. Being unusually small and timid, the others often treat him like a child. Unlike most crocodiles, he is thin-skinned and warm blooded. He literally turns blue in the cold and pink when embarrassed. He is afraid of many things - like spiders, chickens, bright lights, fish and public speaking. But it is his over-sensitivity that makes him a very good listener and non-judgmental friend.
鱷魚寶寶是朋友堆之中最小、最膽怯的,所以其他的動物經常當他是小孩子般看待。和一般鱷魚不同,鱷魚寶寶是恆溫動物,而且皮膚很薄。冷的時候,他會變成藍色;尷尬的時候,他會變成粉紅色!他害怕很多東西 - 像蜘蛛、雞、明亮的燈光、魚和公開演講……不過,就是因為他如此敏感,讓他成為一個非常善於傾聽,不批判人的朋友。
Jessie the giraffe
Jessie is the “mother” of the group. She loves a tidy room and putting the kettle on for a cup of hot tea. She needs to make sure all her friends are taken care of and have enough to eat.
Emily the elephant
Although she is the biggest of the group, Emily is the most quiet. Sometimes she moves so slowly, it seems like she is not moving at all. She loves observing the world around her. When it looks like she is staring blankly into space, she is actually just enjoying breathing in the air around her.
Stinky Pinky Runs away
Stinky Pinky is a painter of buildings. When the buildings in the city became gray from the smoke and pollution, she painted over the gray in bright colors. Her friends made fun of her dead-end job, but she still liked painting. Over time, the smell of paint stuck, and so did the name.
She had been up in the air working overtime for the last six months. She loved painting big fat stripes, or colorful splotches, but the buildings had been growing gray at an increasing speed and her deadlines were accumulating.
Suddenly her bucket of yellow paint dropped to the ground, 30 stories below. “Hey! Watch it, will ya!” Someone shouted up at her. “And why can’t you stick to a nice beige color instead of those crazy whatchamacallit colors?” She looked down at a bald head, bobbing in anger. Suddenly she had an urge to run away from all of this - painting, deadlines, angry bald heads...
She started running toward the edge of the city. She ran and ran, fat tears streaming down her face. Suddenly, she found herself in a forest….
小妹最喜歡畫胖胖的條紋和色彩豐富的斑點,可是在過去六個月, 她都在空中加班, 但大廈被污染的速度愈來愈快,她根本就畫不完!!!
就在小妹累到疲倦不堪的時候,有一個黃漆桶掉了下去(有三十層呢)。 「嘿!小心點!好不好!」有人大喊她。 「為什麼你這麼笨要畫那麼多瘋狂顏色?畫一種色不就可以了嗎?」她低頭看著一個憤怒的光頭佬。突然間,她有一種衝動,要逃離這一切……
Home Stink Home
Stinky Pinky had never seen so many trees in her life! She had never left the city before. What kind of place was this? And where were all the gray buildings?
Suddenly, from behind the trees came a rabbit, a giraffe, then, an orange bear, a tiny crocodile, and a bright blue elephant! The five animals checked her out curiously. Then the giraffe broke the silence with a warm smile.
“We’re Jessie the Giraffe, Emily the Elephant, Where’s Rabbit, Pizza Bear, and Baby Crocodile!”
Stinky Pinky and the animals became fast friends. After she told them how she ran away from home, the animals decided to build her a new home. While measuring, sawing, and hammering were not the animals’ specialty, they managed to build a crooked little tree house for Stinky Pinky. It had a leaky roof, six distorted windows, a lopsided door and nails sticking out the side.
Stinky could not believe her eyes. “This is the best house EVER!” said Pinky. It was the best house because it was made especially for her.
In her new home, Stinky Pinky listened to the leaves rustling in the wind. She smiled as she watched the dappled light dancing under the trees and she was happy.
小妹不敢相信眼前的新屋竟是自己的家! 「這是有史以來最好的屋子!」小妹說。這是最好的家,因為這是為她而做的! 在她的新家裡,她可以聽到樹葉在風中擺動的聲音,看到光影在樹下輕輕起舞,小妹不禁嘴角彎起來,因為她真的感到很開心。
The Angry Volcano
A grumpy old volcano lived at the very edge of the forest, far away from all the animals. He was 158 years old, but he didn’t have any friends because he was always losing his temper. And when he lost his temper, he erupted!
One day, Baby Crocodile decided to visit the volcano. The other animals tagged along reluctantly. They picked some wildflowers along the way.
By noon, they arrived and found the volcano sound asleep. As they walked gently up the volcano’s belly, the dandelions tickled his nose… and he awoke. In a moment of panic, the animals threw the flowers into the crater at the top of his head!
The angry volcano erupted, sending the gazillion, colorful flowers flying everywhere! LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE NOW! he roared. But the flowers just calmly floated and landed all around the volcano.
There the flowers started to take root and grow. Pretty soon, they attracted bees and butterflies, and the cranky, old volcano slowly became bright and beautiful. He got used to the company of other creatures and he even liked talking to them sometimes.
So whenever Baby Crocodile went on long walks to the edge of the forest, the animals always knew he was out visiting an old friend.
漸漸地,有些花開始生根發芽、長大。很快,他們吸引了很多蜜蜂和蝴蝶, 火山慢慢變得很色彩繽紛、很美麗。火山伯伯也開始慢慢習慣了花草、蜜蜂和蝴蝶,他甚至會主動跟他們說話呢!
Emily’s Secret
“Emily’s been acting weird lately.” said Jessie. “First of all, I’ve caught her talking and laughing to herself a lot.”
“And she knows all these amazing things...” said Stinky Pinky. “She told me there would be shooting stars last night - and she was right!”
“She told me red mushrooms only sprout on Mondays and yellow mushrooms sprout on Wednesdays!” said Baby Crocodile. “She said there’s an island far, far away that floats on the back of a giant whale…She knows exactly where to find the sweetest strawberries…” All the animals started discussing the amazing facts they learned from Emily. They decided to find out.
At twilight, they followed her into a clearing in the forest. Emily just stood quietly. No one moved a muscle. Suddenly, a tiny yellow butterfly flew by. More and more butterflies floated around her. Then they finally realized what was happening - the butterflies were talking to Emily! The voices of the butterflies were soft like a breeze, and they told her stories and facts they learned from around the world. Emily listened thoughtfully with her big ears as her eyes sparkled.
The friends decided not to disturb Emily. In the still of the night, they also learned to listen to the sounds of the forest.
「艾米莉最近好像怪怪的!」潔西說。 「首先,我看到她好像經常自言自語,然後傻傻的笑。」
「她知道很多很多令人驚嘆的事情......」臭小妹說。 「她告訴我昨晚會有流星雨 – 是真的!」
「她告訴我,紅蘑菇只在星期一出現而黃蘑菇只在星期三出現!」鱷魚寶寶說。 「她說,在很遙遠的地方,有一個小島是漂浮在一條巨大的鯨魚上......她又清楚知道在哪裡可以找到最甜美的草莓......」所有的動物都開始討論,為什麼艾米莉知道這麼多秘密! 他們決定要一探究竟。
黃昏時分,動物們跟著艾米莉走進森林中的小空地。艾米莉大象只是靜靜地站著,動物們都注視著她不敢動。過了一會兒,一隻黃色的小蝴蝶飛過,然後越來越多的蝴蝶聚集在艾米莉身邊翩翩起舞。 他們終於意識到發生了什麼事 - 蝴蝶在跟艾米莉聊天呢!蝴蝶的聲音輕得像微風一樣,他們告訴艾米莉四周遊歷的故事, 艾米莉則用她的大耳朵細心聆聽,眼裡閃著快樂的光采。
The Black Forest
“I have a great idea,” said Where’s Rabbit one night. “The six of us, we should go on an adventure! Let’s follow those sticky red footprints into the Black Forest.” Following bloody red footprints was actually NOT a great idea, but the friends knew it would be okay as long as they stuck together.
And so they ventured deep into the Black Forest, huddled together, singing silly songs and whispering jokes to keep their minds off of the slurping sounds coming from the trees.
The footprints led them to a clearing, and to their surprise - there sat a big, old lion, feasting on bowls and bowls of cherries and cream.
“What’s this??” asked Where’s Rabbit.
“Why it’s cherry season - didn’t you know?” said the lion, his giant mouth smothered in bright red cherry juice. “Come on and have some!”
The animals quickly joined the cherry feast. The lion taught them to pick the reddest, sweetest cherries from the trees. Then they slurped cherries and made their own red footprints as they walked home.
That night before bed, Jessie invented a new kind of cake - using chocolate and the cherries they picked from the forest. They named it the Black Forest cake, in memory of their midnight adventure.
「我有一個想法!」哪裡兔子說: 「我們六個應該要去一趟冒險!讓我們跟隨這些黏糊糊的紅色足印入黑森林吧!」跟著這些血紅的腳印其實不是一個好主意,但朋友們都知道,只要他們緊靠在一起,就不會有問題。
腳印終於帶領他們到了一個地方,有一個驚喜等著他們 - 一隻龐大的獅子叔叔,正吃著一碗一碗的櫻桃和奶油。
「你不知道現在是櫻桃時節嗎?」獅子說,他的嘴邊一直流出鮮紅色的櫻桃汁。 「來吧!吃一點吧!」
那天晚上,潔西發明了一種新的蛋糕 - 混合了巧克力和他們剛從森林採摘的櫻桃。他們把這蛋糕命名為黑森林蛋糕,去紀念這個晚上的冒險。
The Birthday Cake
Jessie’s birthday party was coming up and the friends got together in the morning to make a cake for her. The problem was, what kind of cake would she like? They thought long and hard….but they couldn’t come up with anything because it was always Jessie who did the cooking.
Chocolate? Lemon? Raspberry? The discussion soon become a debate, and then a heated argument. “This is ridiculous! You don’t know anything about Jessie! I’m making my OWN cake!” shouted Where’s Rabbit. “FINE!” shouted Pizza Bear. The animals stormed home.
In the evening, all the animals arrived separately at Jessie’s house, each carrying their own cakes. They were still bitter from the argument in the morning. But when they saw how special each of their cakes were, and how much thought they had each put in for her, their hearts melted.
“I have a great idea” said Baby Crocodile. “Come on, let’s do it before Jessie arrives.”
When Jessie got home, she was surprised to find the world’s most awesome cake. “How on earth did you guys pull this together?!” Jessie exclaimed. “This is amazing!”
Before her stood a 12-feet tall cake. It was a combination of all their work - a rainbow cake, carrot cake, lemon cake, green tea cheese cake and of course, pizza flavored cake!
She had the best friends in the world.
巧克力?檸檬?覆盆子?討論很快就變成了辯論,然後發生激烈的爭吵。 「這太荒謬了!你都不了解潔西!我要做我想做的蛋糕!」哪裡兔子喊。 「好!」比薩熊也喊。他們都各自衝回自己家裡。
「我有一個想法!」鱷魚寶寶說。 「來吧,在潔西來到之前要完成!」
當潔西回家後,她驚訝地看著世界上最棒的蛋糕。 「你們是怎樣做的?」潔西驚呼。 「這真是不得了!」
在她面前是一個12英尺高的巨型蛋糕。這是大家心血的連結 - 彩虹蛋糕,胡蘿蔔蛋糕,檸檬蛋糕,綠茶芝士蛋糕,當然,還有比薩味的蛋糕!
Rabbit Traps Lightning
It was stormy season again. Lightning flashed across the sky like a thousand giant cameras. All the forest animals were shaking and hiding under their covers. The earthworms living in Where’s Rabbit’s vegetable patch were scared skinless as the lightning destroyed their homes.
As Where’s Rabbit observed the situation, he decided it was time to help the little earthworms. He discovered that lightning had a liking for his carrots and were creating mini explosions as they struck the poor carrots. He had an idea - but he needed help from his friends.
Jessie and Emily collected glass jars. Then Stinky Pinky put carrots inside of them, using them as bait to lure the lightning into the jars. When lightning struck the carrots, Pizza Bear immediately closed the lids and trapped the lightning inside.
All of them pitched in to trap as many jars of lightning as they could. By the end of the rainy season, they had collected 214 jars! Where’s Rabbit was so proud of his friends. The jars of light were put to good use. Jessie hung the them on trees throughout the forest so they could light up the paths. Where’s Rabbit didn’t have any carrots left for dinner, but you know what, bananas tasted pretty good too.
Star Lake
Baby Crocodile was really sick. He had been in bed with a fever for a week and his whole body had turned red.
“What are we going to do?” wailed Jessie.
“What if we made a wish at Star Lake?” said Emily quietly. “Once the butterflies told me about a lake where hundreds of stars live. It’s worth a try.” According to the butterflies, it was a three day trek, through the Black Forest, past the angry volcano, just beyond the Pink Sand Beach.
They set off immediately, their spirits high. The first day passed quickly; the second day slowly. On the third day, they felt like rusty robots, walking mechanically, stiffly. Even Pizza Bear had run out of jokes.
Stinky Pinky squinted. There in the distance, she saw the softly glowing stars!! They ran towards the mysterious floating lights and without thinking, dived into the lake. They held hands around one of the biggest stars. It was warm, like freshly baked bread. Together they closed their eyes tight, and wished for Baby Crocodile to get better. When they opened their eyes, the thousands of stars in the sky and in the lake shone even brighter.
Back at home, Baby Crocodile felt the green color come back to his body as the fever left him. “Thank you, friends.” he whispered.
「不如我們去星湖許願?」艾米莉靜靜地說。 「蝴蝶曾經告訴我有一個湖,湖裡面有數百顆星星。我們可以去試試看。」據蝴蝶所說,由森林到星湖,至少要三天時間,先穿越黑森林,繞過憤怒火山,再走過粉紅沙灘......
在家裡,鱷魚寶寶感受到綠色終於回到他的身體,因為終於退燒了。 「謝謝你們,我的朋友。」他輕輕說。
The beautifullest place ever
“I’m going to take you to the beautifullest place ever!!” said Pizza Bear one morning, jiggling his arms and tummy about.
“What? Where is it?” asked Stinky Pinky.
“Just follow me”, he whispered. “It’s a magical place!”
The animals set off eagerly, following Pizza Bear through rivers, fields and forests.
As the day wore on, though, the animals started to question Pizza Bear’s sense of direction. They seemed to be walking in circles and in no definite direction. The sky was getting dark.
“We’re almost there.” said Pizza Bear. “And…. Here it is!!”
The animals stopped in their tracks, looked up, and to their amazement, it WAS the beautifullest place! Pizza Bear jumped up and down. “Look! I have no idea where we are, but every day, at this time, this place appears like magic!”
The six friends stood facing the huge orange sun floating in the sky. Their shadows stretched for miles behind them.The sky was pink. Worms glowed a warm wormy color and butterflies fluttered their golden wings. A warm feeling spread through Stinky Pinky’s body as she smiled a crooked smile. “I guess wherever the sun sets, it’s a magical place.” thought Stinky Pinky.
「跟我來吧!」他低聲說。 「那是一個非常神奇的地方!」
「我們快到了。」比薩熊說。 「喔……這裡就是!」
動物們停下來,抬頭一看,他們吃驚的是,這真的是世界上最美麗的地方!比薩熊開心得蹦蹦跳跳。 「看!我不知道我們在哪裡,但每一天,在這個時候,這個地方就神奇地出現,像變魔術一樣!」
這六個朋友看著巨大的橙色太陽掛在天空上,他們的影子被拉得很長很長,天空染成粉紅色,蝴蝶拍著金黃色的翅膀,小蟲都發出光芒。一種溫暖的感覺,在小妹的身上擴散,她微微笑著。 「每當太陽下山,這就是一個神奇的地方。」小妹心裡說。
The Broken Pumpkin
Jessie had signed the six of them up for the annual Carry-a-Pumpkin-up-the-Mountain Competition. They were assigned a pumpkin as big as Emma and twice as heavy!
“1, 2, 3, push!” said Jessie and the six of them started pushing the pumpkin uphill. The pumpkin moved an inch. They pushed again, and the pumpkin moved another inch. This carried on until they were almost half way up the mountain. As they stopped to catch their breath, the pumpkin suddenly slipped, then started tumbling all the way back down the mountain!
“NOOOOOOOOOO!” shouted Pizza Bear.
They chased the pumpkin downhill, but too late - it had smashed into 101 pieces! They were devastated. They could never win now.
Pizza Bear’s small mind got to work. “Everyone, look at this delicious pumpkin. We need to get it up this mountain. It’s going to be hard, but I know we can do it together. We’re going to carry up it in our stomachs! Let’s start eating now!”
Determined, the animals devoured the pumpkin. Then they strolled up the mountain, stopping to smell the roses by the roadside. They were not the first team up the mountain, but they had already won in their hearts (and stomachs).
他們追著南瓜下山,但為時已晚 - 它已經碎成101塊!南瓜已經支離破碎,他們沒有可能會贏了。
比薩熊小小的腦袋開始想辦法。 「大家一起看看這美味的南瓜。我們要帶它上山,是很困難的,但我知道只要我們一起努力,就可以做得到。我們把它放在肚子裡帶上山吧!」
Stinky Pinky leaves
Pinky loved listening to Emily’s stories about rainbows and talking mushrooms in faraway lands. There was one story about the old fox of Chestnut Village. He was a magical painter who knew all the secrets of color and nature. For a while, Stinky Pinky kept this story in her heart...until one day, she felt her heart would burst.
“I’ll be leaving to learn from the fox of Chestnut Village in two weeks…” She told her friends. “I don’t know when I’ll be back…” When they heard the news, they were sad and happy at the same time. They would miss her terribly, but they knew Pinky was happiest when she was painting. It was when she smiled the most.
When the day came for Pinky to leave, Baby Crocodile burst into tears. There was a puddle where he stood, from all the tears he was crying. Elephant taught her to communicate with the butterflies, so they could bring messages back to them.
Yellow leaves covered the forest floor. “We’ll miss you!” they shouted. Stinky Pinky turned back and waved one last time. “I’ll miss you too.” They kept all the memories of the past year in their hearts. And when they met again they would have new memories to share.
「我想跟栗子村的狐狸學畫畫,在兩週之後出發......」她告訴她的朋友。 「我不知道我什麼時候會回來......」當他們聽到這個消息後,他們感到又快樂又難過。他們會想她想到心都流淚,但他們知道小妹畫畫的時候,笑得最燦爛。
可是離別的那一天終於來到,鱷魚寶寶大哭起來,他站著的地方都快要變成一個水坑。在那滿天黃葉的樹林,沒有動物會忘掉那一天、那一個情景, 「我們會想念你的!」他們喊道。樹葉輕輕飄散,小妹轉身揮最後一次手,含淚說:「我也會想念你們的。」他們把過去一年的美好回憶都好好藏在心中,每顆心都知道總有一天,他們會再次相見,那個時候他們會有更多美麗記憶,跟對方分享......
The Coldest Winter
It was the coldest winter ever! It was so cold this year that Jessie’s tea was frozen solid, Baby Crocodile was frozen blue and the foxes’ tails were frozen stiff like baseball bats!
The sheep of the town, however, were walking around in their warm fluffy woolen coats. They got together for a meeting. “Look at our coats - they’re so warm we could hatch eggs in here. What if… we shaved off our coats, and used the wool to keep everybody warm?”
They got to work immediately. Where’s Rabbit invented The Knitter, a machine that could knit scarves at 500 rpm (rows per minute). But because it was so cold, Where’s Rabbit couldn’t turn the machine off… and in three hours it spit out a scarf so long it could wrap around the forest five times!
That night, the naked sheep joined the animals around a bonfire, all of them wrapped in the longest, craziest scarf ever made. They roasted marshmallows while they read a Christmas card from Stinky Pinky. She had painted a picture of some rainbow sheep. It was the warmest winter ever.
只有鎮裡的羊,穿著他們溫暖蓬鬆的羊毛大衣走來走去。他們聚在一起開會。 「看看我們的大衣 - 他們是那麼的溫暖,暖到可以在裡面孵蛋。如果......我們剃掉了大衣,可以溫暖大家嗎?」
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