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Max's amazing ideas


Max’s amazing ideas

01 spider-small-web.jpg

Sam the spider

Sam the spider was a web designer and he was bored to tears! He was tired of building the same old spider webs, day in, day out.

Max had an idea. Who said spider webs had to be spider web shaped? They could be cloud shaped, elephant shaped, or even dolphin shaped! Since Sam loved astronomy, he thought it would be cool to make a web based on the constellations! Max mapped it out, and Sam got to work immediately. It took almost a month! When it was finished, it looked crazy, but amazing. A light rain fell in the evening and water droplets clung to the web in all the right places. Everyone loved it. But more importantly, it was something Sam was truly proud of.



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Strawnuts or Peaberries

Max was so frustrated. Every time he made his favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, the ducks would come and eat them all. ARGH! If only those tasty sandwiches grew on trees... Suddenly Max had an idea!

Max cross bred a strawberry plant and peanut plant to come up with something entirely new! It had both the fresh sweet flavor of strawberries as well as the crunchy, woody taste of peanuts. The outside was crisp and juicy and the inside creamy and oozy. Needless to say, the ducks had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But they still hadn’t decided whether to name them strawnuts or peaberries.



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Bamboo Forest

The birds kept getting lost on their way home through the dark, windy bamboo forest. All the trees looked the same! But Max had an idea. Following the direction of the wind, he carefully drilled holes into each bamboo tree. Each bamboo became a flute that could play one single note. Now when the wind blew through the forest, it played a beautiful song! The birds loved flying through the forest, and the song took them safely home every day.


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The bookworms

The bookworms didn’t like partying with the other animals. They just wanted to be left alone to read a good book! The only problem was, it was too dark underground. Max had an idea. Since the bookworms lived underneath a giant potato plant, they could use the potatoes to create batteries to power a whole lot of light bulbs!

With their spud lights glowing and a good book in tow, the bookworms could finally party... in perfect solitude.



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Tessa the turtle

Tessa the turtle was always late! She just couldn’t help it. She took her time. She stopped to smell the roses. She listened to birds sing. On her way to work, she watched snails crawling through her garden. And before she knew it, she would be late again!

Max had an idea. He filled her garden with flowers that opened at specific times of the day. For example, he replaced some of her roses with moon flowers that opened at six every evening. Now if Tessa had to be somewhere at seven in the evening, she would take her time until the moon flowers opened - then off she would go! (As fast as turtle legs went anyway.)



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Ella the elephant

Ella the elephant was 100 years old and had wobbly knees and a bad hip. She was scared to go roller skating with the other animals, but Max had an idea. He made a roller skate for her trunk! Now she had 5 “legs” and extra stability!

It was no normal way to skate, but this inspired other animals to try out silly and unconventional roller skating tricks too! How many legs does a snake have? And how many legs does a seal have? It didn’t even matter because they just made up their own moves!



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Milky way ice cream

Max was out in his rowboat one night when he noticed something white and fluffy on the water’s surface. He also noticed that some ducks were paddling furiously underneath the calm surface of the lake (as they always did). What was happening?

Max realized that the ducks’ restless legs had accidentally churned up the reflection of the milky way! He had an idea. He threw some ice, sugar and vanilla into the lake. He stirred the mixture with his oar, as the ducks continued to paddle. In half an hour, they had churned up a delicious ice cream! And what does milky way ice cream taste like, exactly? Stars, of course!


馬斯意識到鴨子躁動的腿不小心攪動了銀河系的反射!他想到把一些冰、糖和香草扔進了湖里。他用木槳攪拌那些糖,而鴨子繼續划水,半小時後,他們攪拌出美味的冰淇淋!銀河冰淇淋到底是什麼味道? 當然是星星口味!

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Rex the reckless turtle

On Monday, Rex the reckless turtle had broken his shell while skateboarding down a steep slope. Without a shell, he had nothing to protect him from the brutal sun. By Wednesday, poor Rex was both homeless and sunburnt...

Meanwhile, it was watermelon season, and Max had an idea. He sorted through hundreds of watermelons until he found one the perfect one. It was just round enough, big enough and green enough as a new home for Rex. He halved it and scooped out the watermelon. Rex loved his cool new home and the watermelon rind soothed his sunburnt skin! They shared the rest of the juicy watermelon, as Rex made plans for his next adventure.



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Ty the cranky tiger

Ty the tiger was one cranky guy. He was always throwing temper tantrums, tearing up the grass and growling at the sky. Max wondered how he could shut him up. He was definitely no match for a tiger. Maybe he could send Ty something nasty... a box of nails? Rattlesnakes? Or stinky cheese?

Then Max had an idea. It was risky, but worth a try. He left Ty a box in the woods. When Ty opened the box, out flew hundreds of tickly butterflies! Ty lay belly up on the ground, surrounded by gentle butterflies, laughing until he cried. Defintely a good idea, thought Max. Why make a guy stinky and cranky when you can just make him laugh?



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Color pencil tree

Max kept running out of color pencils - especially the ones in his favorite colors. But then he had an idea… Wouldn’t it make sense to grow a color pencil tree? That way he could just add water to grow more pencils. He collected pink seashells, golden corn kernels, rainbow jelly beans, blue egg shells and some feathers. Then he buried them in the ground with some beeswax for extra smoothness. As the tree grew, it absorbed the different color pigments from the ground. Everyone helped harvest the pencils by snapping the branches off the trees. Now Max could draw and draw to his heart’s delight!

馬斯很喜歡畫畫,但他的彩色鉛筆經常很快就用完 - 尤其是他喜歡的顏色。後來他有了一個想法......種植彩色鉛筆樹不是很有意思嗎?這樣他就可以用水來生產更多色鉛筆。他收集了粉紅色的貝殼、金黃色的玉米粒、彩虹果凍豆、藍色蛋殼和一些羽毛。然後他將它們埋在地下,還加上一些蜂蠟來令樹木有額外的光澤。樹吸收了地底不同的顏料,一直成長,只要折斷小樹枝就可以得到色鉛筆。現在馬斯和他的朋友都可以隨心畫畫,並畫出心中的喜悅!

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Little tiny bits of sky

The sudden rain had washed out all the color from the butterflies’ wings. Max wanted to give them some cool new colors! He had an idea. He used a telescope to focus all the colors of the sky into a tub of water. He then carefully dipped the butterflies into the swirling sky-dye. After a few minutes of soaking and drip-drying, the butterflies were brand new! As they flew away, Max thought they looked like little tiny bits of sky flying by.

突如其來的雨沖掉了蝴蝶翅膀上的顏色。馬斯想給他們一些很酷的新顏色!他有個想法,用望遠鏡將天空中的顏色聚焦在水上,然後他小心翼翼地將蝴蝶浸入這些天空染料中。 經過幾分鐘的泡浸泡和滴乾後,蝴蝶就有全新的色彩!當蝴蝶們飛走時,馬斯覺得看起來像是一個個小天空飛過。

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Sid the tiny snail

One day, Max and the animals were hiking through the forest when they realized that Sid the tiny snail was missing. They looked everywhere! But it was getting dark and Sid was nowhere to be found.

Max had an idea. He read that all the trees in the forest were actually connected by their roots. Stronger trees often fed weaker ones through their roots because they knew that a forest was only as strong as its weakest tree. Max could use the trees as a communication system to find Sid. He shouted into one of the tree hollows, “Sid! Where are you?” His voice traveled through the giant web system of trees. “Up here! I’m stuck!” came Sid’s voice. They were so happy to find Sid because they didn’t want to lose even the smallest one of the team.


馬斯想起他在書本裡曾讀到森林的智識,所有樹都透過他們的根部彼此相連。較高大的樹木會通過它們的根餵養較弱小的樹木,因為它們知道這樣做才能堅固整個森林。馬斯想透過這個通信系統來找尋小希。他對著一個樹洞大喊:“小希!你在哪兒?“他的聲音穿透整個巨大的樹木網絡系統。 “上面這兒!我被卡住了!“小希的聲音來了。他們很高興能找回小希,因為他們不想失去團隊中最小的一個。


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