Mini books
Mini storybooks that are also cards! A creative way to send a personalized, funny and warm message.
If you roam the streets of Hong Kong book 漫遊香港小書

If you roam the streets of Hong Kong book 漫遊香港小書
This is a book of the non-touristy, but always interesting, ever-changing streets I walk on every day. Although Hong Kong is going through some hard times, I will always be proud to call Hong Kong home.
16 pages
Language: English
Size: 14.8 x 10.3 cm
Paper : Textured, 200 gsm, cream white paper
If you roam the streets of Hong Kong,
angry cars honk as they please.
Buildings grow taller by the second
as pigeons poop from trees.
A pink airplane flies by
taking people to and fro
Nothing stays the same for long.
Things come and they go.
Shadows grow long
and dusk turns to night.
People stay strong
till dark becomes light.
You will see shadows
on the streets that you roam…
But look for the light
in this place we call home.
16 頁
尺寸:14.8 x 10.3 cm
紙 :200 gsm 水彩紙
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