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Storybook Set 小書套裝

Mini books

Mini storybooks that are also cards! A creative way to send a personalized, funny and warm message.

Storybook Set 小書套裝

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Storybook Set 小書套裝

Sale Price:HK$120.00 Original Price:HK$135.00

Includes 3 mini storybooks:

-Sometimes you feel like... 有時候小書 

-Sometimes water comes out of your eyes 眼淚小書

-If you roam the streets of Hong Kong book 漫遊香港小書

16-page full color storybooks that are also cards! A creative way to send a personalized, encouraging and humorous message.

Language: English

Size: 14.8 x 10.3 cm

Paper : Smooth, 200 gsm, cream white paper

Envelope: Cream white (120 gsm) 

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