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Traveller Postcard Set 旅行者明信片套裝

Traveller Postcard Set 旅行者明信片套裝
We might not travel from city to city, country to country, or planet to planet... But we all travel from day to day, year to year, and from moment to moment...
We are all travellers - travelling through the passage of time.
12 Traveller Postcards 一套12張
- Look forward to tomorrow Postcard 明天明信片
- Poop happens Postcard Poop明信片
- Fog Postcard 霧明信片
- Crowd Postcard 別迷失明信片
- Unknown Postcard 走向未知明信片
- Butterfly Postcard 抓緊每刻 明信片
- Friends Postcard 朋友明信片
- River Postcard 深呼吸明信片
- Getting Lost Postcard 迷路也是冒險的開始明信片
- The moment Postcard 這一刻明信片
- Plant Postcard 慶祝小小事明信片
- Train Postcard 回到過去火車明信片
Postcard info
Size : 14.3 x 9.7 cm
Paper : 250gsm textured paper
Back : Blank
尺寸:9.7 cm X 14.3 cm
紙:250g 畫紙
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