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Bitter and sweet mini original drawing  生命有苦有甜小原畫

Original drawings

Bitter and sweet mini original drawing 生命有苦有甜小原畫


Bitter and sweet mini original drawing 生命有苦有甜小原畫

Sale Price:HK$120.00 Original Price:HK$150.00

生命總是拋給我們很多東西 在意想不到的地方 有苦有甜 

Life always throws things at us - both bitter and sweet, in the most unexpected situations.

Original drawing in color pencil
Includes frame
Size inside : 11.8 x 6.8 cm, Outside : 17.5 x 12.4 cm
Paper : 250g
Blank at the back

尺寸:內框:11.8 x 6.8 cm, 外框 : 17.5 x 12.4 cm
紙: 250g

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