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Dino Pin Set 小恐龍小襟章套裝


Cute enamel giraffe, elephant and crocodile pins for your jacket, tote bag or backpack! Collect all three animals!

Dino Pin Set 小恐龍小襟章套裝

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sold out

Dino Pin Set 小恐龍小襟章套裝

Sale Price:HK$312.00 Original Price:HK$352.00

Dino pin
Whale pin
Here for you pin
Fly freely pin

Cute pin for your jacket, tote bag or backpack.

Stamped silver metal pin coated with enamel
Size around: 44mm (W) x 24mm (H)
Thickness: 1.2mm
Black rubber pin back

尺寸大約:44mm(W) x 24mm (H)

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