sky collector
Sky Collector
我種的花都開到天空去了!Look! My flowers are blooming in the sky!
One night, the boy went out into the garden to water his plants. He was disappointed because his flowers still had not bloomed. Suddenly the sky exploded with light, color and warmth. He looked up. His flowers had finally bloomed… in the sky!
有一天晚上,男孩在澆灌他花園裡的花。他有點失望,因為他的花還沒開。突然, 啾- 嘭!嘭!嘭!天空發光了!他仰頭一看,原來他的花都開到天空裡去了!
你看!天空在減價!Oh look! The sky is on sale!
The boy always loved looking at the different clouds reflected in the shop windows. Today he was surprised to see a "summer sale" sign in the window! What?! The sky was on sale?
男孩總是喜歡看著商店櫥窗裡反映出來的雲。 今天他驚訝地發現窗裡有一個“夏季促銷”的標誌! 什麼?! 天空也在減價?
不好了!河馬把所有星星都吃掉了!Oh no! The hippo ate all the stars!
One night, the boy found himself in a dark, overgrown forest. It was pitch dark and the stars were nowhere to be seen. He saw a hippo napping with his mouth open, and a curious light coming from it. He looked into the hippo’s mouth, and in the water, still and calm as glass, was the reflection of hundreds of stars….
有一個晚上,男孩發現自己身處在一片黑暗的森林裡。 真的是漆黑一片,連一顆星也看不到。 他在遠方看到一隻河馬在張開嘴睡覺,有一種奇妙的光從那裡散發出來。 他走近看著河馬的嘴巴,在水中,平靜像玻璃一樣,是數百顆星星的倒影.......
我想給你塗上日落的顏色 I want to give you a fresh coat of sunset paint
The boy sat watching the sunset melt into the ocean. Suddenly he had an idea. He took out his old paintbrush and started painting his friend the whale. Immediately, the black whale became alive with all the beautiful, warm colors of the sunset.
男孩坐在海邊看著夕陽融入大海。 突然間他有個主意。 他拿出他的舊畫筆,開始給他的朋友鯨魚畫畫。 黑鯨立即活躍起來,身上有夕陽溫暖的色彩。
一塊塊的天空在樹枝間掉下來了!Look at all the pieces of the sky falling through the trees!
The boy loved sitting under the trees, because of the interesting shadows the leaves would make. But more importantly, because little shiny pieces of sky would fall through the leaves onto the floor. They looked like pieces of confetti sprinkled from above, and it made him happy enough to dance.
每天也要捕捉日落 Don’t forget to catch the sunset
The boy was late again. He ran out of the house frantically. He had a sunset to catch!
男孩又遲到了。 他瘋狂地跑出房子,他要捉住日落!
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