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For those who are sad

Sometimes Water Comes out of your Eyes Storybook 眼淚小書

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Sometimes Water Comes out of your Eyes Storybook 眼淚小書


What happens to all those tears that come out of our eyes? Do they just disappear? Or do they turn into something much more important?

16-page full color storybooks that are also cards! A creative way to send a personalized, encouraging and humorous message.

Language: English

Size: 14.8 x 10.3 cm

Paper : Textured, 200 gsm, cream white paper 

Envelope: Cream white (120 gsm)


16頁的全彩色故事書,是書也可以是卡! 是一個有創意的方式將你想表達的信息送給人。

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