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Things I see on the street

To avoid photo bombing people

To avoid photo bombing people

The other day I was blinded by the sunset

The other day I was blinded by the sunset

How hot my head felt today

How hot my head felt today

I frequently receive kind words from strangers.

I frequently receive kind words from strangers.

Too lazy to untangle earphones and too lazy to tie shoelaces.

Too lazy to untangle earphones and too lazy to tie shoelaces.

Some leaves I saw today

Some leaves I saw today

The best kind of light

The best kind of light

Mong Kok

Mong Kok

A park on a hilltop I never know existed.

A park on a hilltop I never know existed.



There is a puddle on my street that is so big and permanant the I’s call it a sidewalk lake.

There is a puddle on my street that is so big and permanant the I’s call it a sidewalk lake.

Superman can’t find anywhere to change.

Superman can’t find anywhere to change.

THe other day, I saw the most amazing , tight turn.

THe other day, I saw the most amazing , tight turn.

Today I saw a woman without a head.

Today I saw a woman without a head.

I saw a cool, abandoned doggy toilet.

I saw a cool, abandoned doggy toilet.