Traveller 2
Traveller 2
I don’t know what tomorrow brings
But I’m bringing a heart full of joy & a tune on my lips
我不知道明天會帶來什麼 但是我會帶著一顆快樂的心 哼著歌
After graduating from college, I feel like so many things are out of my control - my future, my plans, and the world around me.
If some big problem comes along, will I become cynical and hopeless? I don’t know.
Follow your heart and SHINE!
跟隨你的心 努力並閃閃發亮
After dinner with an old friend, I felt strangely sad. My friend seemed pretty normal - pursuing the things that we all do - but I noticed that she had lost her spark.
This “spark” seems like an abstract concept, but I’ve seen before! It might be a passion for food, a mother’s love for her children, or hard work towards a goal… This spark looks like stars sparkling around a person, and when I see that spark, it motivates me to work hard too!
Time flies when friends are nearby
Three months might be long, when you’re on the road, traveling. But in terms of your whole life, it’s short!
Two hours of a boring lecture seems long, but a day of fun flies right by!
A song might only be three minutes long, but it’s an accumulation of a lot of time, soul, emotion and hard work…
For me, time flies when friends are nearby.
May your weirdest dreams take you places you’ve never been before…
願你最奇異的夢想 帶你去你從未去過的地方
Once we were commissioned to paint a giant mural at a camp site on Lantau island. Suddenly, the two of us felt like professional painters, although it was our first time doing such a project! Before starting, we knew nothing about cleaning and prepping the wall, buying the right kind of paint and tools. We even had “siu mei” for lunch everyday, as painters do. It was funny that the people in charge of the camp site would trust us with their wall. But by chance, and our willingness to try anything, we stepped out and completed the task. We did something we never imagined we would!
有幾天我們去了大嶼山一個營地畫壁畫,兩個女生搖身一變,成了油牆師傅! 我對裝修一竅不通,完全無概念,從未想像過自己會油油,而且還連續三日吃了燒味飯(果真像個師傅)! 真是很難得對方會相信我們能完成,因為連我都覺得難以置信! 兩個人就這樣誤打誤撞的嘗試、向未想像過會去的地方,踏出奇怪而有趣的一步。
Even if you are hurt, do not give up on loving.
I often watch videos on relationships, and it reminds me that we never learn much about relationships at school. We’re supposed to learn these things organically, but how much do we actually learn?
We can learn from real-life mistakes, but through the process, we might have hurt others or gotten really hurt. After getting hurt, we hide, or build a wall around ourselves out of fear. Although it’s really hard to face ourselves and our bad experiences, please don’t quit loving and being loved.
經常看一些關於關係的短片,令我想起我們在學校裡其實沒有認真學習過怎樣和別人相處,好像這些事,我們慢慢就會懂, 但事實上,有多少事是我們自自然然就會學識呢?
Be Present
Tea Party
When I’m talking to people, my mind often starts wandering. I think about chores, plans, or other random things. When I’m with a group of people, some people are on their phones. Some people are in a daze and some are busy cleaning or working. Whenever I’m at a wedding reception or birthday party, I don’t feel at ease. I don’t know what to say, or how to respond. Then I get distracted and my mind wanders again.
Recently though, I’ve realised that the best gift for someone, is to just be there with them at that moment, giving them my full attention.
Spend some time with yourself, before starting another journey.
Sometimes I need to be by myself. I need to be quiet, do nothing, and let my feelings flow out. I talk to myself and try to understand myself more. This is how I move forward.
Travel to another world
When I was in New York, I went to a children’s bookshop called Books of Wonder. Once I stepped inside, I felt like I had traveled to a fairytale kingdom. There was a different world in every book, so there were thousands of worlds in the bookshop! Every time I opened a book, it was like an adventure to another land.
I like to read to escape reality. I know it doesn’t really help solve any real life problems, but reading always gives me a new perspective or helps me grow.
在紐約,我們去了一間兒童書店,名叫Books of wonder,裡面有很多很多大大小小的故事書!一步彷彿踏進了另一個空間、一個童話國度。每一本書背後,作者都建構了一個世界,而這書店就有萬千個小世界,只要打開一本書,就好像去了一次旅行!
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