Traveller 3
Traveller 3
The little animals are bandaging the dinosaur’s tail, and the dinosaur is carrying the little animals on his back. All animals, big and small, are just as important, and respect each other. This is what makes a team.
Usually we think the weakest member brings down the whole team… But I feel like the most powerful member slows down the whole team by being disrespectful and irresponsible. The dynamic between team members is a strange thing. Sometimes it can be very strong… and sometimes very fragile!
It’s hard to live life looking cool and beautiful all the time.
Once I bought super cheap business class plane tickets. My suitcase was full and my shoes were wet from my trip, so I had to wear lame flip flops and carry an ugly bag. I felt out of place, but then on second thought, who was looking at me anyway?
Actually, life is full of “uncool” moments: falling off my bike, coming in last in competitions, getting lost hiking, having my jeans torn, walking into the men’s restroom by mistake, bumping into a lamp post on the street…
Being uncool means you aren’t afraid of failing or learning something new. You aren’t afraid of taking part in competitions in which you won’t win.
I feel like it’s hard work being cool all the time. If you can’t ever fail or look stupid, there’s really not much you can do!
其實我生活上試過太多“樣衰” 或失敗的東西,例如,學踩單車掉下來,參加問答比賽第一個出局,去行山迷路了,街上派單張,跳舞表演,褲子穿洞,不小心走進男廁,街上撞柱等等。
Over the holidays, I went to a bunch of parks. I saw sunbathing turtles, dancing birds, mudskipper families, water lilies, sunsets and dandelions! I felt like a teeny tiny ant, exploring the big world around me.
Stay curious and keep your eyes open!
The post office closes at 6pm. At 5:30pm, I hurry out. It just rained and there are puddles everywhere. The street is crowded. As I run between the people, I notice clouds reflected in the puddles on the street.
Suddenly, I realise that if I walk through the puddle, I’ll be walking on land, air and sea at the same time!
I laugh to myself as I think about this!
Be careful of bad guys, parents always say. But they don’t remind us to look out for all the good people around us.
Actually, there are always kind people nearby. For example, the courier worries about my small business, and gives me tips on mailing stuff. The security guard secretly gives me lai see at Chinese New Year. My neighbour spots me carrying a bunch of heavy bags and gives me a hand. A stranger holds my umbrella while I tie my shoelaces on a rainy day.
You’ll get ripped off every now and then if you trust people all the time. But that’s probably better than being suspicious all the time, and missing all the good people in your life.
常常相信人,有時候會被騙 ,但是一生人被騙幾次,總好過要常常懷疑人,錯過很多好人。
I only recently learned that “compassion” means “to suffer together”. I feel like being compassionate is a special talent. It’s not helping people solve their problems or encouraging them. It’s just being there for them, accepting and understanding them. I guess it’s ok to be sad sometimes.
The boy is angry that the snail is walking so slowly. But because the snail is so slow, they got to see the stars come out! The snail’s weakness is also his strength.
I start to discover people’s weaknesses after getting to know them a bit more. But when I realise their weakness is also their strength, it always amuses me. For example:
Someone who always says the wrong thing is also an honest person.
Someone who cries all the time is emotional and passionate.
Someone who always worries about you is also caring.
Someone who is stubborn is also someone who has principles.
I’m indecisive, but also creative!
My grandma died last month. The funeral hall was filled with people. These were all people that my grandma had cared for.
Later my mom told me that my grandma always let people in need stay at their house. She even took their kids to school.
The seeds she sowed had grown into a magnificent forest!
後來聽媽媽說,婆婆年青的時候,常常讓一些有需要的人在他們家暫住, 甚至幫他們帶小朋友上學。現在他們都過得很好。
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