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一無所缺利是封套裝 Animal Red Envelopes Set Pre-order

Chinese New Year

Fun and creative Chinese New Year banners and red envelopes. Decorate your home with these whimsical illustrations and Chinese blessings.

一無所缺利是封套裝 Animal Red Envelopes Set Pre-order

Lai see 2025-11.jpg
Lai see 2025-11.jpg

一無所缺利是封套裝 Animal Red Envelopes Set Pre-order



一無所缺 x 4
一團和氣 x 4

有燙金、燙銀、全彩色。 封後有聖經金句。
9x17cm, 140g 書紙

一無所缺 x 4
Lacking nothing
Yut moe soh kuet
耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。(詩篇 23: 1)

一團和氣 x 4
Harmonious. getting along well
Yut tuen woh hay
粗茶淡飯但彼此相愛, 勝過美酒佳餚卻互相憎恨。(箴言15:17)




Each set comes with 8 envelopes:
Lacking nothing x 4
Harmonious x 4

Gold / silver foil, full color. Bible verse at the back.
Printed on 140g matte paper
Size: 9 x 17 cm

Ship date:
Orders including this red envelope set
will be shipped end of Dec 2024

Shipping info:
⁃ Yes, we ship overseas. Click here for more info.
- Canada post unavailable due to the strike

Shipping for HK orders:
⁃ Free shipping for HK orders over HK$300. Please use discount code at check out.
⁃ For tracking, please use SF-Express
⁃ No tracking is available for HK post and we can’t help if your order gets lost or if you give us the wrong address!

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