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笑口常開利是封套裝 Snake Red Envelopes Set

Chinese New Year

Fun and creative Chinese New Year banners and red envelopes. Decorate your home with these whimsical illustrations and Chinese blessings.

笑口常開利是封套裝 Snake Red Envelopes Set

Lai see 2025-01.jpg
Lai see 2025-06.jpg
Lai see 2025-07.jpg
Lai see 2025-01.jpg
Lai see 2025-06.jpg
Lai see 2025-07.jpg

笑口常開利是封套裝 Snake Red Envelopes Set



笑口常開 x 4
大吉大利 x 4

笑口常開 :吃蝦的蛇祝你笑哈哈、笑口常開
大吉大利 :吃桔的長脷蛇祝你大吉大利

全彩色。 封後有聖經金句。
9x17cm, 140g 書紙

笑口常開 x 4
Always happy and laughing
Siu hau seung hoy
求你使我們早晨飽嘗你的慈愛, 好使我們一生一世歡呼喜樂。(詩篇 90:14)

大吉大利 x 4
Good luck and fortune
Dai gut dai lay
心存謙卑、敬畏耶和華, 必得財富、尊榮和生命。(箴言 22:4)



Each set comes with 8 envelopes:
Always happy and laughing x 4
Good luck and fortune x 4

Full color. Bible verse at the back.
Printed on 140g matte paper
Size: 9 x 17 cm

Shipping info:
⁃ Yes, we ship overseas. Click here for more info.

Shipping for HK orders:
⁃ Free shipping for HK orders over HK$300. Please use discount code at check out.
⁃ For tracking, please use SF-Express
⁃ No tracking is available for HK post and we can’t help if your order gets lost or if you give us the wrong address!

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