All Things Bright And Beautiful — 快高長大利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Giraffe Set

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快高長大利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Giraffe Set

Chinese New Year

Fun and creative Chinese New Year banners and red envelopes. Decorate your home with these whimsical illustrations and Chinese blessings.

快高長大利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Giraffe Set

Lai see 2022-16.jpg
Lai see 2022-02.jpg
Lai see 2022-18.jpg

快高長大利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Giraffe Set

Sale Price:HK$30.00 Original Price:HK$36.00

每套有8個利是封(2個設計 x 4個利是封)
全彩色。 封後有聖經金句。
9x17cm, 140g 書紙

快高長大 Grow tall and strong (Fie go jeung dye) x 4

學業進步 Excel in leraning (Hok yeep jun bo) x 4
唯喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想,這人便為有福!他要像一棵樹,栽在溪水旁,按時候結果子,葉子也不枯乾,凡他所做的,盡都順利。 (詩篇 1:2-3)

Each set comes with 8 envelopes (2 designs x 4 envelopes).
Full color. Bible verse at the back.
Printed on 140g matte paper
Size: 9 x 17 cm

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