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春暖花開揮春 Spring Fai Chun

Chinese New Year

Fun and creative Chinese New Year banners and red envelopes. Decorate your home with these whimsical illustrations and Chinese blessings.

春暖花開揮春 Spring Fai Chun

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sold out

春暖花開揮春 Spring Fai Chun

from HK$50.00

大家今年過得好嗎?這段日子好像沒有那麼激盪,但卻多了一份迷茫、哀愁。當靜下來的時候,就發現個心有點憂悶,想起詩篇那句「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裡面煩躁?應當仰望神」。 風雨過後天不一定晴,但春暖過後花始終會開,盼望仍在。



1套 - $50
3套 - $120
10套 - $380


Each set comes with 8 banners (1 of each design)
Printed on 260g artcard
Package size: 29.7x29.7cm
Each banner includes a bible verse
Blank at the back

1. 春暖花開 Flowers bloom in the spring (Chun luen fa hoi)

2. 彼此扶持 We’re here for each other (Bay chee fu chee)

3. 萬象更新 Fresh start for the new year (Maan jeung gung sun)

4. 和平喜樂 Peace and joy (Woh ping hay lok)

5. 恩典湧流 Unending grace (Yun deen yong lau)

6. 除舊迎新 Get rid of the old, welcome the new (Chui gau ying sun)

7. 無憂無慮 No worries (Mo yau mo lui)

8. 龍精虎猛 Energetic like a dragon and tiger (Loong jing fu maang)

Shipping info:
⁃ Yes, we ship overseas. Click here for more info.

Shipping for HK orders:
⁃ Free shipping for HK orders over HK$300. Please use discount code at check out.
⁃ For tracking, please use SF-Express
⁃ No tracking is available for HK post and we can’t help if your order gets lost or if you give us the wrong address!

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