Chinese New Year
Fun and creative Chinese New Year banners and red envelopes. Decorate your home with these whimsical illustrations and Chinese blessings.
春暖花開利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Spring Set

春暖花開利是封1套 Red Envelopes - Spring Set
Sale Price:HK$30.00 Original Price:HK$36.00
每套有8個利是封(2個設計 x 4個利是封)
全彩色。 封後有聖經金句。
9x17cm, 140g 書紙
恩典湧流 Unending grace (Yun deen yong lau) x 4
主宣告說:「耶和華,耶和華,是喜歡憐憫人、施恩給人的主,不輕易發怒,並且有豐盛的慈愛和誠實。(出埃及記 34:6)
春暖花開 Flowers bloom in the spring (Chun luen fa hoi) x 4
我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裡面煩躁?應當仰望神,因我還要稱讚他,他是我臉上的光榮,是我的神。(詩篇 42:11)
Each set comes with 8 envelopes (2 designs x 4 envelopes).
Full color. Bible verse at the back.
Printed on 140g matte paper
Size: 9 x 17 cm
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